пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Changing Windows Standard Fonts

There are several standard fonts used by Windows, the Arial and MS Sans Serif. Tahoma font used on the shell to Explorer in Windows, while the system default font such as the System Properties, Device Manager and other applications is MS Sans Serif.

Want to change these fonts? The way is not as easy as changing the font in Microsoft Word document. But, if you're already accustomed to playing with the registry, do not hard, really.
  1. Click "Start> Run ...", then type" regedt32.exe ".
  2. Go to the subkey "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-Windows NT-CurrentVersion-FontSubstitutes".
  3. Double-click String Value MS Shell Dlg "to change the default font of the previous system using Microsoft Sans Serif.
  4. Change the Value Data it with another font type you want, provided that fonts are already installed on your Windows.
  5. Click "OK".
  6. Double-click to "String Value MS Shell Dlg 2".
  7. Change shell before using the font Arial with font type, such as Arial or Comic Sans MS. The rules remain the same as before, ie you define the font must have been installed in the operating system.
  8. Click "OK", then close the Registry Editor and restart the PC.
After you restart your computer, Windows will use the new font you have set for the font in the shell or in the system.

Do not forget, do a registry backup before you try this trick so you can return to the previous settings with ease. To manually system restore, went back to the subkey "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Microsoft-Windows NT-CurrentVersion-FontSubstitutes" in the registry, and then return the "Value Data MS Shell Dlg" Microsoft Sans Serif and "MS Shell Dlg 2" in Tahoma.

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