пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Save cache memory without DLL Files

DLL file (Dinamic Link Libraries) is a library Windows. Whatever you need Windows, will be sought in this DLL file type.

When an application program is executed, DLL files that accompany it will be called into the memory (RAM) and continue to be there for the program is still running. Sometimes, some programs leave this DLL file in memory, which of course will meet the memory space.

Well, that memory space feel more relieved, follow these steps.
  1. Click the "Start", then type "regedit" to open the Windows Registry Editor window.
  2. Find the address of the registry "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer".
  3. In that address, create a new string value named "AlwaysUnloadDLL".
  4. Give the value String value 1 on this. If at any time you want to disable it, simply change the value to 0 (zero).
  5. Close the Registry Editor window and reboot the computer.
From now, caching DLL files will be avoided and the memory space for other programs grew larger.

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