пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Focusing Window

When multitasking, have you ever seen a flash in the taskbar? You know, the usual blinking orange. The color will disappear when we click it.

Blink in the taskbar is no meaning. Taskbar will flash if there is a program in the background that is updated. The results of this update can not usually be seen directly by users because obscured by other windows. Therefore, use flash to notify the user that there is a program that is updated in the background.

If the amount of flicker that appears you deem less conspicuous, try these steps.

  1. Run Registry Editor by clicking "Start", then type "regedt32.exe".
  2. Go to the sub key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel-Desktop".
  3. Double-click "DWORD value ForegroundFlashCount", then change its value according to your wishes. This value will affect how much a blink in the taskbar will appear. Fill in the value of 0 if you want to continue flashing taskbar until there is a clicking.
Conversely, if it was annoying flicker, you can arrange to have the window that should be represented with a twinkle in the taskbar immediately turned into the focus. Here's the trick.
  1. Run the Registry Editor, then go to the sub key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel-Desktop)".
  2. Find and double-click DWORD value ForegroundLockTimeout.
  3. Change the value of the DWORD value to 0 value.
  4. Close the Registry Editor, and restart the computer.
If at any time you want to restore the changes you have done this, change the value "ForegroundFlashCount" to 3 and the value "ForegroundLockTimeout" to 200,000.

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