пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.
Vendors Game Not Interested With Android
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BARCELONA - The game developer claims to attract investments to create applications with a Google-made Android platform. This said by Alexandre de Rochefort, finance director Gameloft, the game maker from France.
"We cut investment in the Android platform significantly, as did other companies," said Rochefort inevestor in a conference in Barcelona, Spain recently as reported by Reuters.
Rochefort said the investment in the Android game considered less attractive because of the weakness in the stock Google developed applications. According to him, the way marketing is done Google is less interesting that these services are not profitable third piha.
"These services are not as neat as the iPhone. Google's not too smart attract consumers to buy products. In Android, no one who managed to get significant benefits," said Rochefort.
At least that is now experienced by Gameloft. While the iPhone application market, Gameloft get 13 per cent share of profits from sales sleuuruh, in exchange Adroid still below one percent. "We can sell 400 times as much on the iPhone smartphone than on Android," he said.

This post was written by: Tan Dinh
Tan Dinh is a Tech Blogger and writes about latest news and reviews in the Indian Mobile Industry, Follow him at hisFacebook Page
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