пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Opening folder in new window

As a computer user is often required to work with several files in two or more separate folder. If you have this, we are forced to move between folders in a Windows Explorer window.

When experiencing these conditions, so that the process can go faster, try the following trick.

  1. Run Registry Editor by typing regedit in the menu "Start".
  2. Go to the sub-key "My Computer-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-SOFTWARE-Classes-Directory-shell-".
  3. Click the right mouse button on the right side window, then select "New > Key". Give the name "opennew".
  4. Double click (Default) which are in the right window, then fill it the Value data to "& Open in New Window".
  5. Click "OK".
  6. Click the right mouse button, then select "New> Key".
  7. Give the new key name with the name "command", then click the key to this point you are in the "My Computer-HKEY_LOCAL_LACHINE-SOFTWARE-Classes-Directory-opennew-shell-command".
  8. Fill in the Value Data (Default) to "explorer.exe / e,% 1".
  9. Click "OK".
  10. Close the Registry Editor and restart the PC.
From now on, you can explore the contents of the folder in a new window with ease. Simply right-click the folder in question, then click "Open in New Window".

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