пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Modifications in the Shortcut Menu Context

You'll never find an application that includes the application shortcut in the context menu. Look at Winamp or Windows Media Player. They deliberately put the shortcut in the context menu so that access to a program so more quickly.

How do I create a shortcut like that? Well put on a registry.

Here's steps:
  1. Open the Registry Editor by typing "regedit" in the Start menu.
  2. Go to the sub key "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT-*- shell".
  3. Right-click on the directory of the shell, then, from the context menu, select "New" followed by "Key". A new directory will be created and you can change the name as you wish. The name of this directory which will be shown when the context menu is displayed. Suppose the directory name of "entertainment".
  4. In the same way, create a new directory in the directory of entertainment. Give the name "Command" to this new directory. Click the directory "Command", then double click the name of binary data (default) located on the right. After the box "Edit String" appears, the contents of the location (Path) complete the application and the application name, format, and "% 1". Code "% 1" it is optional and serves to run the application automatically. Suppose the location is filled with C:-Program Files-Winamp-winamp.exe "% 1".
  5. Now it's time to reap results. Appropriate application example above, try right-clicking on the file with the MP3 format. Shortcut entertainment will be displayed in the context menu. Click on the shortcut and MP3 files that you select will be played.
To remove the context menu you just created, you can simply return to the sub key "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT-*- shell", then delete all the keys you've ever made.

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