пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Lock the Temporary Internet Files Settings

Temporary Internet Files is a gathering of the files from the internet that is born every time you open a web page. These files are intentionally kept so that when you revisit the same web page, the process can run faster.

To alter the Temporary Internet Files, do the following.
  • Select "Start> Control Panel> Network and Internet> Internet Options".
  • On the "General" tab, there are parts that regulate Temporary Internet Files settings are. There are two choices, the "Delete ..." and "Settings". In the option "Delete", you can delete all files in the Temporary Internet Files folder. While the choice of "Settings", you can adjust how maximum capacity that can be accommodated by the Temporary Internet Files folder.
So this setting can not replace by other users, do the following.
  1. Run the Registry Editor.
  2. Sign in to key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER-SOFTWARE-Policies-Microsoft-Internet Explorer, Control Panel".
  3. In the right pane, right click, select "New> DWORD Value", then give the name of the Settings tab.
  4. Double-click DWORD Value, and insert number 1.
  5. Close the Registry Editor.
Now, if you open Internet Options and click the two options on the General tab Temporary Internet Files section, will not affect anything.

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