пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Google Adsense HPK (High Paying Keyword) lived a fairy tale of the past

Did you ever make a site that discusses the HPK (high paying keywords) such as mesothelioma, mesothelioma attorneys, medical insurance, travel insurance, student insurance, domain register, cheap domain register, etc.? HPK is the value of clicks dhargai can reach high up above $ 100 per click. But that was when the abuse and manipulation PPC yet today's shining. With dream got an enormous clicks many hunting PPC publisher. I myself also never made a special site on the PPC is about travel insurance, although this field is very difficult and I had no control.

If used HPK could reach more than $ 100, but now includes $ 5 PPC. After Google issued "smart pricing" or smart pricing then the effect is very small adsense publishers who are still able to enjoy HPK (high paying keywords). With a long experience in the field of Internet advertising, Google will provide click price after certain conditions are met. If you had any direct click earnings received, now it is no longer valid. I once had the following experience: When I open my adsense account got 12 clicks to report earnings $ 2.86. After about 20 minutes, then I check my account again was I got a new report that is received 18 clicks, but earnings remain $ 2.86. I wonder what is happening with Adsense today? What is Google Adsense may be a problem? But after about 10 minutes later, then I refreshed again and the final report is earning me $ 4.76. I am so curious about this incident.

Then I tried to find answers on the official adsense blog, adsense forum to forum world. And the conclusion is the earnings paid after the site or blog advertiser closed by clicking an ad. So if your site or blog that is still open, so we do not get paid. With Google Adsense script that was more sophisticated then the price will be adjusted by ad clicking behavior. So the value of clicks will be very low if the ad clicking closed the page, press the back button or just visit the page
less than 10 seconds. The conclusion is, high click value is determined by several factors namely:
  • How do visitors find our site or blog. If he comes from seaech engine clicks higher value than links from other sites, social bookmarking, e-mail, or come directly by typing in the url, etc.. Try to do the best SEO optimization for high-value clicks.
  • Ad clicking behavior. High value will click when he does deal offered by advertisers such as buying a product or service, download, become a member, follow the news letter, etc..
  • Source the arrival of visitors. In addition to the above 2 factors, zone or country click on ads also determine our earnings. It is no secret that China, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines have a lower click value unless the transaction.
Conclusions from the above description is whether you are still interested in hunting PPC? Comments, experiences and questions on the form I wait for comments.

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