пятница, 10 декабря 2010 г.

Free Download Fring Application for Symbian and Android

Free Download Fring Application for Symbian and AndroidFring application is an application to access social networking sites via mobile phone devices. The news latest said that Fring has update the new version for Symbian and Android. with the new features of Fring, here are the benefits to Symbian users:
- Very easily to change the status
- Use a * and # can be done on the features in the Fring application dialer
- New display Twitter 2.0, making it easier to use
- Display a chat menu

Except for Symbian users, the latest Fring application can also be used for Android users. New version of Fring application includes voice, connectivity and stability improvements in addition. And the below are the latest features to Fring application for Android users:
- Hiding and showing friends who are offline
- Hide and reveal your book contact address
- Privacy settings for IM and signature mood message
- Improved audio problems at Motorola Droid and Milestone
- Support for Google Nexus One, repair bug and more

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